
I help you maximize your potential

It is said that impressions are made in the first two seconds.

Then why don't you try to improve your first impression and change your current image by sticking to fashion and outlook?

AVI, who has worked as a model in Japan also around the world, will give you advice on hairstyles, makeup and  fashion that suit you.

Also, did you know that there are tricks to make your photos look beautiful?
I will also tell you the points of how to show from the perspective of the model.

-Personal Beauty Stylist-

  • How to

    An email will be sent from here after you apply.

    Fill out the questionnaire and reply with a photo of yourself, and we will email you styling suggestions within 10 days.

  • Styling

    For those who live overseas, we will style the items that can be purchased locally, and for those who live in Japan, we will style items that can be purchased in Japan according to your budget.

  • Online lessons & Personal shopping

    for Pose styling, Personal shopping

    Please contact us with your desired schedule and time [Belgium 10am-4pm] from the email sent after application.